Fiscal, Demographic, and Performance Data on California’s K-12 Schools

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Suspensions and Expulsions

The California Department of Education collects detailed data on the counts and rates of students suspended. Learn more about how the data are reported and how to find this information on Ed-Data.





The discipline data were submitted by local educational agencies (LEAs) and charter schools to the California Department of Education (CDE) as part of the annual End of Year 3 (EOY 3) data submission in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS). Discipline data were reviewed and certified in CALPADS as being accurate by authorized district or school personnel. Cumulative Enrollment data were not included as part of the EOY 3 data submission in years 2011–12 through 2015–16, but were extracted from the CALPADS Operational Data Store (ODS) for these years; however, Cumulative Enrollment data are included as part of the EOY 3 submission for 2016–17 onward. In order to certify data in CALPADS, authorized district or charter school personnel are required to review the accuracy of all data associated with the applicable CALPADS submission. CALPADS certification is a two-step process with Level-2 certification reserved for the district superintendents, charter school administrators, or their designees. Please contact the district or school if you have any questions about their certified CALPADS data.

Source: Discipline data were submitted and certified by LEAs and/or charter schools as part of the annual CALPADS End of Year 3 submission.