Fiscal, Demographic, and Performance Data on California’s K-12 Schools

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Terms Of Service

Important notes about your privacy, our data retention policies and how you can use and cite the information on Ed-Data


The Ed-Data website is designed to offer educators, policy makers, the Legislature, parents, and the public quick access to timely and comprehensive data about K-12 education in California. The data displayed on Ed-Data primarily comes from the California Department of Education, with the election data being compiled from a variety of sources.

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The website uses location data to present results for nearby schools, and this information is not tracked or collected for any other purpose. Users have the option to turn off location in their browsers if they do not want Ed-Data to have access to this information; however, doing so will limit Ed-Data’s ability to provide this feature.

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Data retention

When you share a link to an Ed-Data graph, the website "remembers" the information you shared so that the link continues to point to the graph as you shared it. For example, each time you click on that link, it will display the graph with any filters you applied to it before sharing. Ed-Data maintains that information for three years. After three years, share links to Ed-Data graphs will no longer function. 

Privacy of student data

Data such as student demographics, performance, graduation and dropout rates, chronic absenteeism and suspensions and expulsion data come from the California Department of Department of Education (CDE) and are redacted to protect student privacy in accordance with state and federal privacy policies. The CDE data privacy guidelines can be found here:


Accessibility Statement

The Ed Data Partnership is committed to improving the accessibility of our website. The inclusive, responsive HTML5/CSS3 design of the Ed-Data site separates content and structure so that pages adapt to different usage circumstances, from large desktop monitors to smaller devices.

We are continually seeking solutions that will bring all areas of the site up to the same level of overall web accessibility. If you have trouble accessing information on our website, please contact us. Let us know the nature of your accessibility issue, the web address of the requested information and your contact information.


Users of the site are free to:

  • Read, print, share and reuse our articles, graphs and data tables free of charge.
  • Download and use data tables as you would any other publicly available data set.
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  • Uphold copyright or other laws – You do not violate our copyright or other applicable federal, state or local laws.
  • Use and share data graphs per the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. The Creative Commons mark will appear when the graphs are exported. For an easy-to-understand summary of the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, click here. This summary is not a legal document. To read the full license, click here.
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Citing the information on Ed-Data:

Apart from the the local revenue elections data, all the information on Ed-Data comes from the California Department of Education. More specific information about the source of the data is available in the Source tab below each graph:

source tab

To cite the source of the data you find on Ed-Data we recommend the following language: Data from the California Department of Education, retrieved from on (and provide the date retrieved). 

To cite the source of local revenue election data we recommend the following language: Bond and parcel tax election data are compiled by EdSource, retrieved from on (and provide the date retrieved).

You can also use the share functionality to create a link to a specific graph or data table to include with your citation. For more information on how to do this, please see: Using and Sharing Graphs on Ed-Data