Fiscal, Demographic, and Performance Data on California’s K-12 Schools

Name Address City Zip Code Phone Number
  • County
  • District
  • School
  • School
  • Summary

Paradise Charter Middle


  • Administrator
  • Chris Palmer
  • Address
  • 6473 Clark Road, Paradise CA 95928-8319
  • Phone
  • (530) 872-7277
  • Status
  • OPEN
  • Date Opened
  • 08/30/1995

Related Websites

Key Attributes
  • CDS
  • 04-61531-6112999
  • School Type
  • Middle
  • Grade Span
  • 6-8
  • 2022-23 Enrollment
  • 143
  • Charter School
  • Y - Directly funded
  • Title 1
  • Not a Title I School
  • Year-Round Calendar
  • No
  • Years Displayed

  • Student
  • Staff



College and Career Readiness

Suspensions and Expulsions

Chronic Absenteeism


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